Ginny Patrick
Ginny Patrick is a native Michigander and a Registered nurse. She has spent 16 years working with students on the Autism Spectrum. Working with children on the Autism Spectrum has given Ginny great insight and appreciation of visual patterns and the ability to express emotion through design.
Tecumseh, Michigan has been her home since 2010. She has resided in Plymouth Michigan, Winchester Virginia, and New Port Richey, Florida. Ginny grew up in a home filled with art and music. Her mother is a musician and painter. Her love of mosaic designs began with a visit to Mexico then San Diego, California in 2008. In 2009, after a personal loss, she completed her first Mosaic coffee table. Most people start out with a 8x7 glass image, but Ginny chose a huge 1940s beveled glass table top because she needed the process and a place to work through the grieving. Ginny worked with another mosaic artist friend for 3 months. During this time period she started to learn the process of choosing the pattern arrangement and colors, glass cutting, grinding glass, gluing grouting and sealing. All were valuable in her personal growth and healing.
Ginny has been showing and selling her mosaic works for six years. Her mosaic design can be found on coffee tables, wall hangings, picture frames, and birdhouses, to name a few. Her work has been displayed at Black Door Gallery and she currently has pieces featured at a local for a show, entitled “Fruits of the Spirit”. Ginny can often be found sharing her love of mosaic glass through live street demonstrations during various art events.
In September 2014, Ginny lost her 23 year old son Andy in a tragic car accident. Creating mosaic designs has personally helped her move through stages of grief and loss of her son. Ginny’s home studio is her sanctuary. It’s a safe place to explore feelings and create. Ginny Patrick’s life goal is to facilitate the process of creating mosaic designs while assisting and nurturing self-growth and healing through artistic creation, knowing the completed work will hold a special place in the student/artist’s heart.